Three Great Resolutions for Your Home in 2022

The new year is always brimming with promises and possibilities. It’s a chance for people to get a fresh start and look forward to the year ahead. For some, this means vowing to travel, get into shape, quit smoking, or spend more time with loved ones. 

But what about goals for your home? Your home is your sanctuary and where you spend most of your time, especially in today’s world of remote working. For some, their house goals may require them to work with a real estate firm to find their dream home; but for those who have already found it, here are three great resolutions to keep for your home in 2022.

Cut Down on Energy

Cutting down on the energy emissions from your home is not only great for the environment, but it’s also great for your bills. Not all green efforts require purchases like solar panels and hybrid cards (though they can both be fantastic investments!). It’s easy to start small with efforts like turning off the tap when brushing your teeth instead of letting the water run; taking shorter showers is also great way to cut down on water consumption. Turning off the HVAC on moderate days and switching bulbs in the house to lower consumption LED’s will help you cut costs, as well.

While requiring some work, one of the best ways to trim energy costs from your home is by properly sealing and insulating areas like windows and ductworks. Reports show that doing so will help the efficiency of your HVAC system by nearly 20%, which is excellent for you and the environment.

Make Your Home Low Maintenance

Inefficient aspects of a home can often lead to needing small changes and repairs regularly, whether it’s burned-out bulbs, rusted metals, damaged sidings, or rotted wood.

Use this year to switch out some of these materials for more durable and lower maintenance items. Some LED bulbs, for example, can last years when only used for a few hours a day, which can be a real-timesaver, especially if the bulb is in a hard-to-reach place like high ceilings.

Fibre cement sidings for the exterior of your home are another great example; and can resist weather conditions, rot, fire, and dents for an average of 50 years to even 100 years.


One of the best ways to get a fresh start on the year is to start with a clean slate. Getting rid of clutter in your home will make the place lighter, airier, and more spacious. This gives you more time to grow in your home. What’s more, is removing clutter is free – meaning it’s not a goal you need to save up for, sans a few plastic trash or donation bags.

It’s easier to entertain company in less cluttered living rooms, prepare food in cleaner kitchens, and sleep in rooms free of cluttered distractions.

Cutting back on your clutter and organizing your home will keep it fresh, clean and reduce issues such as mildew and pests, while improving your overallwellbeing.

Sudarsan Chakraborty
Sudarsan Chakraborty

Sudarsan Chakraborty, an adept blogger and writer, navigates the digital realm with finesse. His passion for storytelling drives him to explore diverse topics from Home Improvement to Business. With clarity and authenticity, Sudarsan captivates audiences, offering unique insights and fostering a community of engaged readers on his blog.

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