How to grow herbs in home with little efforts

Do you know there are some herbs which you can grow even in your own home and in home garden? These are basically herbs and vegetables. We use them on a regular basis but some of us do not know how to grow them with very little effort. Very they took very little space of your room or your garden. In this post, I’ll discuss 6 most commonly used herbs or vegetables which we can grow even when they are getting rot. This post will help you a lot with your gardening needs. The most striking part of this type of gardening is that it takes a little effort as well as little space to grow herbs in home.

Here are the 5 herbs you can grow in your home:

Ginger: Ginger is widely used in the world for cooking. It is also well known for its medical properties as well. Have you bought ginger roots and noticed little buds forming? If yes then it is the right time to discuss this with you. When you notice little buds forming from the Ginger root just plant it. Soon you will have a fresh Ginger to harvest. All you need to do is to plant in soil and you will see a new ginger plant is growing in a few days. One caution doesn’t make the soil over wet as it can make the ginger root rotten. So this is the 1st one for your reference. Is not it a simple process on how to grow herbs in home?

  • Garlic:  Garlic is on the 2nd of our list. We use garlic for cooking as well as it serves as an herb. Garlic is well known for its magical herbal properties. When you notice little roots coming out of the garlic you just have to plant it under the soil. The Sunlight is also necessary for its cultivation. Little water is sufficient enough to grow these herbs in your home or home garden.
  • Green Onion: Green onion is another vegetable which we widely use in cooking. Does not you like the garnishing you food with green onions. The process to cultivate or gardening green onions is not very difficult. When you notice that there is roots spurting out of the onion just plant it. You can notice that sweet green leaves of green onions spurting out of your efforts. It also looks very good and make your home look beautiful.
  • Sweet potatoes: Almost all of us like to eat sweet potatoes. We use them for cooking. If you love sweet potatoes then consider growing them by yourselves in your home or garden. Growing it is simple. You should submerge more than half of a sweet potato in a glass of water and sitting it on a sunny window. You have to wait for sprouts to form and reach four inches or so. Once you notice roots form and grow a little, plant it out in the garden. It is really simple way to bring more green to home.
  • Mint or Mint leaves: Last but not the least mint is an herb which you can grow easily in your home or garden. We use mint for its flavor at the same time it has a magical property. It is very effective in digestive process of food and good for stomach. It is an herb that grows from cutting. Like Basil you can cut a mint about four to five inches in length. Remove all lower leaves and place the cuttings in the clean water. Once you notice roots developing from them just transfer them to a container filled with potting soil.

Conclusion: I hope after reading this post you gets a clear idea how to grow herbs in home.

Sudarsan Chakraborty
Sudarsan Chakraborty

Sudarsan Chakraborty, an adept blogger and writer, navigates the digital realm with finesse. His passion for storytelling drives him to explore diverse topics from Home Improvement to Business. With clarity and authenticity, Sudarsan captivates audiences, offering unique insights and fostering a community of engaged readers on his blog.

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