Looking to beef up your home security?
While property crime rates are on a decline, it never hurts to have protection. You must get the best home security system to deter would-be criminals. It won’t take a lot to make your home less desirable to burglars.
However, you must know the right place to start. In this guide, you’ll learn some simple home security tips. If you’re on a tight budget, this is the guide for you.
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1. Secure Your Doors
Most burglars and other home intruders need not use secret agent levels of methods. It’s often surprising to learn that a lot enter your house without breaking in. These criminals will exploit any unlocked door and waltz in to steal your items.
Even if your errands won’t take over 15 minutes, secure your doors. Do it all the time, even when you live in a safe neighborhood. It matters not how safe your family feels since it’s better to be safe than sorry later on.
Always think about making things harder for burglars to break into your house. Ensure that both door and door locks have the highest quality. At the same time, they need not break your budget.
Check the doorknob’s surrounding area. It allows you to determine whether it’s sturdy enough to prevent breaks. Inspect your mail slot as some burglars will reach your doorknob using this narrow space.

2. Invest in a Good Alarm System
An alarm system serves as one of the most important components of home defense. Invest in reputable alarms by dealing with authorized dealers like Direct Protection. As long as it’s operational, you feel safer and well-protected.
It applies even when you’re not at home. You’ll achieve peace of mind, knowing your alarm system is there. You can rest easy and relax if you’re on vacation.
Put a sign that lets everyone know your home has home security cameras. It won’t deter all burglars, but every criminal that turns away is a victory. Hide your wiring and secure them to prevent sabotage.
Your alarm system helps you know about intruders. Modern home protection systems use a smartphone application to send notifications. These apps are available on both the Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Depending on your chosen system, your alarm can inform local law enforcement. It allows them to respond without delay and prior contact. This total protection gives an unbeatable sense of calm.

3. Install Burglar Bars
Your home’s doors aren’t the only means of entry for burglars. Your windows can also be vulnerable to break-ins. Investing in high-tech windows is costly, so don’t bother with them unless you have lots of spare cash.
As an alternative, burglar bars are wonderful alternatives. It won’t cost you a fortune while protecting your windows. They’re not that pleasing to the eye, but they’re great at protecting your home.
4. Get a Dog
Millions of American households own a dog. If you don’t have one yet, your home can use a canine companion. They give lots of fun memories, regardless of the family member.
However, these pets are huge assets when securing your home. They’re cute but protective, making them vicious against intruders. To make the most out of them, treat them as family members too.
Dogs can deter most criminals, with most turning to the other direction at the sight of one. They can warn you whenever people approach your home. Put a sign on your gate to notify them about your canine guardian.
5. Use Motion-Sensing Lights
These lights are excellent when deterring criminals from your property. Don’t feel discouraged since the switch is simple enough. This decision is vital if you’re adding an extra layer of protection around your premises.
Motion-sensing lights come in both interior and exterior variants. The latter allows you to know whether people are lurking within your grounds. It also halts their advance as they know your home spotted their approach.
To complement your exterior lights, your interior lights discourage criminals from wandering around. It’s for those who broke into your home. They can’t use the darkness to cover their activities as they move within your home.

6. Strengthen Your Windows
Windows are prone to breakage and damages from blunt force. If you think burglar bars don’t look appealing, your only option is to strengthen your windows. You can either upgrade your window’s components or replace them with something stronger.
As said before, the cost of high-tech windows is high. However, the level of protection your windows give makes it worth the investment. If you aim to upgrade your home, save your money for window reinforcements instead.
A cheaper alternative is buying a security film. It won’t prevent your window from breaking. The film will persist, making your window resist the first few blows at least.
7. Make an Emergency Escape Route
When every home security precaution fails, an escape plan is your last hope. The ideal situation would be never to need an escape route at all. However, it’s best to have this failsafe to preserve your family’s safety and lives.
An emergency escape route comes in various forms. You need not plan to run away from your property. In most cases, a secure, fortified panic room within your home is all it takes.
Panic rooms must have reinforced walls and doors. It must make breaking into as difficult as possible. It gives your family the best chance of survival during home invasions.
Ensure that this room allows you to communicate with the outside world. With both features, your family can wait while the authorities are en route. Put this room in a hidden but strategic location in your home.
Learn More Home Security Tips Today
With these, you now know how to protect your home. Never be complacent and strive to improve whenever possible. It’s the best way to achieve peace of mind, regardless of whether you’re at home or elsewhere.
Not enough home security tips? Slake your thirst for knowledge and read our other posts for more.